Why Should We Launch Solar Panels Into Space?

Published on May 5, 2014

To solve the energy crisis currently facing the world, one Japanese space firm is aiming to launch a giant solar panel into space! While this would cost a lot of money, the solar panel would generate capture a ton of energy from the sun! Trace explains how this solar panel in space would be better than any other panel on Earth.

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Read More:
Japan Has A Plan To Start Using Space-based Solar Power By The 2030s
“In the wake of the Fukushima disaster, Japan has doubled its efforts to find a viable alternative to nuclear power.”

How space-based solar power will solve all our energy needs
“Humanity’s demand for energy is growing at an astonishing rate. Combine this with an ever-dwindling supply of fossil fuels, and it becomes painfully clear that something innovative and powerful is required.”

How Japan Plans to Build an Orbital Solar Farm
“Imagine looking out over Tokyo Bay from high above and seeing a man-made island in the harbor, 3 kilometers long.”

The Navy’s Plan to Beam Down Energy From Orbiting Solar Panels
“For decades, the Pentagon has been the world’s largest oil consumer, and as global petroleum prices continue to rise, the military has been searching for feasible energy alternatives. Now they’re looking in space.”

Space-Based Solar Power


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